Showpiece of beautiful landscapes filled with vibrant flora.

Situated in the lush greeneries of Kea Farm, Cameron Flora Park is a showpiece of beautiful landscapes filled with vibrant flora. Only a 6-minute walk from The Sheep Sanctuary or a 5-minute drive from Copthorne Hotel, local and international visitors can come indulge in this beautifully sculpted flower kingdom that is presented in a whole new way. Visitors can treat themselves to scenic views while getting educated about the floras.

Golden Maple Bridge

Petunia Garden

Petunia Garden

Stairway to Infnity


Frequently asked questions

Monday to Sunday
9.00 pm - 4.00 pm
Visitors have the option to drive or take public transportation to reach our Pickup Point (Please see the marked location on the Map located in the Home Page). At the Pickup Point, there will be shuttle buses that ferries visitors to the park.
Upon confirmation of your payment, you will be assigned a booking number. Bring the number along on the day of your visit.
The payment methods are by debit transfer or credit card only.
Yes, definitely! Cameron Flora Park is open to host private events. Feel free to contact us and our team will be in contact. Please bear in mind that all private events must be arranged at least 1 month before the day of event.
Yes! Regular visitors can utilize our dedicated picnic area for their picnic activities. We also have Picnic sets that are fit for all groups of visitors, whether you are a family or a couple, let us know what you require and we will try to recommend you the best options. Picnic sessions are only limited to 2 sessions daily with limited spots so it would be best to make early reservations.
Please see our cancellation policy in the Terms And Conditions page.

Have a question?

Not sure exactly what we’re looking for or just want clarification? We’d be happy to chat with you and clear things up for you. Anytime!

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